Bible Principles Podcast
In just 2 minutes a day Gene Getz will walk you through the entire Bible! Each podcast is based one of the 1500 principles in his Life Essentials Study Bible.
2823 episodes
Producing Mature Disciples
Principle 7 – Matthew, Producing Mature DisciplesMatthew 4:23-5:1To develop mature Christ-followers, all spiritual leaders should give special attention to those who have a sincere desire to learn deep spiritual truths.
Dedicated Discipleship
Principle 6 – Matthew, Dedicated Discipleship Matthew 4:12-22To follow the Lord Jesus Christ, we must faithfully apply His teachings.
The Power of Scripture
Principle 5 – Matthew, The Power of Scripture Matthew 3:13-4:11When we’re tempted to violate God’s will, we are to follow Jesus’ example and use Scripture to thwart Satan’s efforts.
The Message of Repentance
Principle 4 – Matthew, The Message of Repentance Matthew 2:13-3:12To have forgiveness of sins and to live in fellowship with God, we must experience true repentance.
Worshipful Generosit
Principle 3 – Matthew, Worshipful Generosity Matthew 2:1-12We are always to use our material gifts to worship and praise God and His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Demonstrating Grace
Principle 2 – Matthew, Demonstrating Grace Matthew 1: 18-25As believers, we are to extend mercy and grace toward those who are living out of the will of God.
The Gift of Salvation
Principle 1 – Matthew, The Gift of Salvation Matthew 1:1-17No matter what our sinful condition, we should accept total forgiveness by believing in the Lord Jesus Christ, who lived, died, and rose again to redeem us fr...
Model Prayers
Model Prayers - Principle 3COLOSSIANS 1:9-14Model Prayers We should consider how to use Paul’s inspired pastoral prayers creatively as we pray for one another.
Reflections of Maturity
Reflections of Maturity - Principle 2COLOSSIANS 1:3-8Reflections of Maturity Spiritual leaders’ primary goal should always be to produce local churches that reflect faith, hope, and love.
Team Ministry
Team Ministry - Principle 1COLOSSIANS 1:1-2Team MinistryAll spiritual leaders should endeavor to implement the team ministry model 1649 illustrated so often in Scripture.
Eternal Rewards
Principle 12 – Eternal RewardsPhilippians 4:10-17Spiritual leaders whose materials needs are being met by fellow Christians should serve Christ faithfully in order to add to their supporters’ spiritual rewards in heaven.
Standing Firm
Principle 11 – Standing FirmPhilippians 4:1-9No matter our circumstances in life, we are to stand firm in the Lord by being unified in our relationships, by seeking God’s help through prayer, and by imitating Jesus Christ. ...
Progressive Sanctification
Philippians Principle 10 – Progressive SanctificationTo live in a manner worthy of the gospel, we must become more and more like the Lord Jesus Christ.
Made Righteous by Faith
Philippians Principle 9 – Made Righteous by FaithTo be faithful to the gospel of Jesus Christ, we must never compromise the biblical teaching that we are made righteous by faith and faith alone.
Christ-like Examples
Philippians Principle 8 – Christ-like ExamplesTo help Christians understand and imitate Christ’s attitude of selflessness, humility, and self-sacrifice, we should expose them to spiritual leaders who model these qualities.
Exemplifying the Incarnation
Philippians Principle 7 – Exemplifying the IncarnationTo demonstrate to the world who Jesus Christ is we are to work out our salvation.
Imitating Christ
Philippians Principle 6 – Imitating Christ To live worthy of the gospel, we must live in harmony with one another, demonstrating Christ’s attitude of unselfishness, humility, and self-sacrifice.
Proper Relationships
Principle 10 – Proper Relationships 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1We should maintain spiritual fellowship with authentic spiritual leaders and avoid relationships with false prophets and deceptive teachers.