Bible Principles Podcast
In just 2 minutes a day Gene Getz will walk you through the entire Bible! Each podcast is based one of the 1500 principles in his Life Essentials Study Bible.
Podcasting since 2014 • 2907 episodes
Bible Principles Podcast
Latest Episodes
Material Needs
1 Timothy Principle 11 - Material NeedsFrom 1 Timothy 5:3-16When there are legitimate material needs among believers that cannot be met by family members, as a church we’re to assist in meeting these needs.

Modeling Godliness
1 Timothy Principle 10 - Modeling GodlinessFrom 1 Timothy 4:11-5:2To be able to communicate the message of godliness to men and women of all ages, we are to exemplify Christlike qualities consistently in our own lives.

Spiritual Disciplines
1 Timothy Principle 9 - Spiritual DisciplinesFrom 1 Timothy 4:6-10As servants of Jesus Christ, we should first and foremost train ourselves to be godly.